University of Jyvaskyla, Scientific Visualization

Main help page | OVi Tutorial | Optimization Methods | Mathematical Expressions
Visualization | The Ovi User Interface

Help on the Visualization Window

The Menubar
Pointing Device: Translating and rotating
Projection dialog
Visual Options
Visualization Types
Animation Player
The Scope box

The Menubar

File Menu
Open Animation...
 Open an existing animation file from the disk.
Save Animation...
 Save a newly recorded animation.
Save Animation as...
 Save a newly recorded animation with a new name.
Animation Player...
 Launche the Animation Player.
Quit ...
 Quit the Visualization Window.
View Menu
The direction of the view is perpendicular to xy-surface.
(See also Pointing Device)
The direction of the view is perpendicular to xz-surface.
(See also Pointing Device)
The direction of the view is perpendicular to zy-surface.
(See also Pointing Device)
By default, the direction of the view runs parallel with vector (-1,-1,-1).
(See also Pointing Device)
Changing Eye Point/Target Point
When changing the eye point, the target point is fixed. And vice versa.
(See also Pointing Device)
Previous Iteration
All the method combinations are stepped one iteration backwards (if possible)
Next Iteration
All the method combinations are stepped one iteration forwards (if possible)
Projection Window...
 Opens the Projection dialog
Visual Options Window...
 Opens the Visual options
Animation Player...
 Starts Animation player
Help - launches a browser to display the help.


Pointing Device

Translating and rotating object and getting information on iteration points

When the Visualization window is opened, the view is chosen automatically so that the iteration path is realized in viewport.
To rotate the Scope box in xyz-projection:
 Press and keep pressed the middle mouse button, meanwhile move the mouse. The Scope box is now rotated about its center.
To translate the Scope box in xyz-projection:
 Press and keep pressed the leftmost mouse button and move the Scope box up, down, left and right by moving the mouse cursor. To get the Scope box nearer (or further off), press and keep pressed the rightmost mouse button and move the mouse cursor upwards (or downwards).
To translate the view in other projections:
Press and keep pressed the left mouse button, meanwhile moving the mouse.

Help on the Projection dialog

Select Variables -entries:
Allows you to define a suitable projection to be viewed in the Visual window. The axis combination is immediately checked for inconsistencies. You can either write a legel variable name in the entry or select a variable straight from the listbox on the right.
Choose Visualization Type -radiopanel:
You can choose the type of visualization: graph, vector field or contour.

Help on the Visual options

Field Of View:
The angle of the view in degrees.
Affects the quality of the graph.
Scope coeff:
Scope coefficient can be between 0.1 and 10.0. It affects the volume of the Scope box.
Use Grids:
If this checkbox is toggled, the graph is drawn with single lines (default). If not, the graph is drawn with cololed triangles.

The Visualization types

Graph can be rendered if the objective function is selected in the Select Variables -menu.
Vector Field:
If the objective function is NOT selected, vector field -toggle is sensitive. Vector field is either two or three dimensional according to the number of selected axis in Select Variables -menu.
Contour Plot:
Contourplot is possible only in a two-imensional case, i.e., two variables are selected in Select Variables -menu.

Animation player

Animation player allows you to record sequences of translations and rotations of the scene. Animation player also records all projection changes and view changes. To start recording, press the Rec button once. When recorded, press the Stop button. To play newly recorded animation, just press the Play button. After recording, the sequence can be saved in a file (File  | Save Animation).

Scope box

The Scope box is a box drawn with dotted lines around the iteration path. Only those parts of the objective function are visualized, which lie in the Scope box. Translations and rotations affects the Scope box.