Agora Center INNOVATIONS IN BUSINESS, COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY 2002-2003 (InBCT 2002-2003) Jyväskylän yliopisto
InBCT Raportit yms/Papers
Euroopan Unioni EUROOPAN UNIONI  
Prof., Dr. Minna Mattila
Prof., Dr. Minna Mattila

InBCT 4.2

Seamless user experience in an electronic environment

Team Leader:

Prof., Dr. Minna Mattila, School of Business and Economics,, 014-2602965, 040-5778669


Researchers Kaapo Heikkinen and Ari-Jaakko Järvinen have studied Multimedia Messaging Services in the Business-to-Business sector, mainly focusing on MMS enhanced problem solving in the business environment. Special issues include, but are not limited to, the following key areas: does MMS enable more efficient problem solving; in what kind of problem solving situations MMS is most likely to be applied; in what stages of problem solving MMS provide the highest perceived value; and what are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that MMS possess in organizational problem solving processes.


Special focus in this study will be on the user experience and mobile service usability in a wireless environment. Researcher Anssi Mattila will examine the impact of technology, the distribution channel and the customer's perception of mobile Internet service usability. One such example includes the difficulties encountered when moving existing fixed-line products over the new wireless channels.

Researcher Anja Härkönen has joined this project as a Ph.D. candidate. By the year 2020 mature customers (a.k.a customers over 65 years of age) will be the largest, most heterogeneous yet least studied customer segment. Many mature customers are, in fact, willing to use Internet-based services but feel that it is somehow socially unacceptable for them to use such services. By developing servicesthat also attract mature customers, critical penetration rates for profitable mobile services can be reached.

Consumer education model for mature consumers (Oumlil and Williams 2000)

Consumer education model for mature consumers (Oumlil and Williams 2000).

Tässä hankkeessa luodaan perusteet asiakkaan saumattomalle käyttökokemukselle sähköisessä palveluympäristössä. Hankkeessa kartoitetaan muun muassa sitä, millä rajoitteilla olemassa olevat palvelut on mahdollista siirtää mobiiliin ympäristöön niiden käytettävyyden kärsimättä. Teknologian, jakelukanavan ja asiakkaan henkilökohtaisten ominaisuuksien vaikutus koettuun käytettävyyteen määritellään. Erityinen paino on ikääntyvien asiakkaiden erityistarpeille, ja niiden soveltamisessa massamarkkinoille. Hanke tuottaa käytännön työkaluja tuotekehityksen ja erityisesti käytettävyyden kehittämisen tueksi sekä kuluttaja- että yritysmarkkinoilla.

Lisätietoja yms.:
More information etc.:

Anja Härkönen, Minna Mattila & Juha Munnukka: Ageing consumers and their technology perceptions (HTML, 62.2 KB)

Anssi Mattila: The Different Dimensions of Seamless User Experience in Mobile Business (HTML, 6.7 KB)

Anja Härkönen: Ikääntyvien teknologiasuhtautuminen ja matkapuhelinpalveluiden käyttötarpeet (PDF, 163.3 KB)

Anssi Mattila: Saumaton käyttökokemus sähköisessä palveluympäristössä (PDF, 117 KB)

Anja Härkönen: Service Innovation Resistance Among Mature Consumers (PDF, 43.2 KB).

Anja Härkönen: Rewarding Mobile Service User Experience Among Mature Customers (PDF, 667.7 KB). (Unfinished)

Minna Mattila & Anja Härkönen: Cell Sailors - An educational program aimed at mature customers on how to use mobile services (HTML, 62.4 KB). Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, November 2003.

Anssi Mattila: The Role of Advertising in Mobile Banking Usage (HTML, 28.7 KB).

Anssi Mattila: Understanding Seamless Mobile Service Interface Between Customer And Technology: An Empirical Study (HTML, 703.3 KB).

Anssi Mattila: The Different Dimensions of Seamless Use Experience in Electronic Environment (HTML, 394.9 KB).

Anssi Mattila: The Effect of Demographics on Seamless Mobile Service Interface (HTML, 380.8 KB).

Anssi Mattila: Relationship between seamless use experience, customer satisfaction and recommendation (HTML, 309 KB).

Anssi Mattila: Service Content and Context Affecting the Dimensions of Seamless Mobile Service Interface: Case Errors (HTML, 408.4 KB).

InBCT 4, yleisesti yms.:

Euroopan Unioni EUROOPAN UNIONI  

Agora Center